Tuesday, November 11, 2008


THQ Staff Quarters constructed under the idea and supervision of the then Major Lalkiamlova, Field Secretary is still one of the best quarters in the Salvation Army of India Eastern Territory. This building is occupying by four families.
photo & posted by fela


  1. He quarters ah hian a cheng hmasa ber kan ni a, a nuam hle a, vannei kan in ti tak zet. A hnuai ber leh a chung berah kan awm tawh a, a ruahman dan pawh a tha a belhchian a dawl tih hrechiangtu kan ni ve. A chunga rangva hulhliap niawm tak hi ......

  2. A chunga rangva hulhliap niawm tak hi ......
    Rain water harvest nan an siam leh a ni.

  3. Rainwater harvest hi a tha khawp mai a, mahse hei aia hmuh nuam deuh hian siam theih se. Kan quarters hmel a luahlan daih a ni lo maw?
